Effect of Soil Water Potential on the Trunk Diameter Variation of Peach Tree in Spring Changes of Soil and Water Loss in Red Soil Region of Southern China 土壤水势对春季桃树茎干变化的影响研究南方红壤区水土流失动态演变趋势分析
For the situation of washout by flood of trunk highway, the paper analyzed its cause, proposed the treatment measures to reduce the loss. 针对干线公路水毁情况分析其原因,提出预防和治理的措施,以降低和减少水毁的损失。
RESULTS: The type of compression of nerve trunk manifested as slower sensory and motor conduction velocity of nerve dominated by corresponding trunk across axillary section, lower wave amplitude and loss of nerve of corresponding muscle. 结果:各干受压型表现为相应干所支配神经跨腋段感觉、运动神经传导速度减慢、波幅降低及相应肌肉失神经改变。
The power supply of long-distance trunk line station or telecom hinge station's system break off, which will cause serious economy loss and politics infection. 如果一个长途干线站或通信枢纽局动力系统发生故障引起供电中断,必将造成严重的经济损失和政治影响。
The analytic results of fir trunk are as follows: The loss ratio on the economic volume of timber of single Chinese fir log ( PE-value) is of an average of 21.24% because of the heart-wood-rot, and the highest has comp up to 34.08%. 树干解析结果表明:因心腐造成单株杉原木经济材积损失率(PE值)平均为21.24%,最高达34.08%。
For these reasons this paper, the trunk canal water with minimal loss in the objective function to round period of restraint, water binding, water balance for the establishment of trunk canal water constraint optimization model for water flow and optimize the trunk the allocation of time. 鉴于以上原因本文建立以以干渠渠系输水损失最小为目标函数,以轮期约束、水量约束、水量平衡为约束条件建立干渠渠系输水优化数学模型,用于优化各干渠输水流量及时间的分配。
At the same time, osteoporosis, muscle strain, trunk loss of balance, loss of lumbar lordosis, facet joint disease, spinal stenosis and other factors will together increased patients 'low back pain. 同时骨质疏松症及由其引起的椎体病理性骨折与因退行性腰椎侧凸产生的肌肉劳损、躯干失平衡、腰前凸丢失、关节突关节病、椎管狭窄等因素共同作用将加重患者腰背部疼痛。